Ph.D. School "Italo Gorini"

Geneva, Switzerland   /   10 - 14 September, 2018


Superconducting materials for application to magnets:
overview of HTS and LTS superconductors and of related measurements tecniques

The lecture gives an overview of fundamental properties and main characteristics of low temperature and high temperature superconductors developed for application to high field magnets. Techniques for measuring properties of superconducting materials - wires and cables - and associated cryogenic-electrical systems are also presented and discussed.

Amalia Ballarino

ballarino Dr Amalia Ballarino (CERN) has been responsible for the development and design of the several thousand current leads that today power the superconducting magnets of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). For the development of the High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) current leads for the LHC, which has been the first large scale commercial application of HTS, she received the award of “Superconductor Industry Person of the Year 2006”. After having participated in the commissioning of the LHC machine, she has been working on the development of a novel HTS electrical transfer line, which is conceived for application to the LHC High Luminosity upgrade but has also become of interest for power transmission in future grids. Since July 2010, Dr Ballarino is in charge of superconductor development for the CERN accelerator complex.