Ph.D. School "Italo Gorini"

Geneva, Switzerland   /   10 - 14 September, 2018


Beam dynamics and measurement techniques for LHC and its High Luminosity Upgrade

Beam dynamics is the description of the motion of the ensemble of charged particles, i.e. the beam, inside a particle accelerator. This motion is determined by externally applied as well as by self-induced electromagnetic fields. In this lecture, we will first review the basic concepts of beam dynamics based on the single particle equations of motion in a conveniently defined reference frame, identifying in particular the relevant parameters for the operation of an accelerator and the basic techniques to measure/control them in routinely operation. Then, some advanced concepts of beam dynamics including the beam collective interactions with the external environment will be also briefly addressed to provide a global picture.
The LHC and the accelerators of its injector chain will be also presented in the course of this lecture, as well as the upgrade programs currently ongoing to improve their performance after 2020. The outstanding beam dynamics challenges for these upgrades will be outlined and briefly illustrated.

Giovanni Rumolo

iacobucci Giovanni Rumolo graduated cum Laude in electronics engineering at the University of Naples Federico II and obtained a PhD in 2000 at the same University, defending a thesis on ‘Theory and experimental verification of the longitudinal instability of cooled coasting beams at the heavy ion storage ring ESR’. He then became CERN fellow (2000-2002) and Marie Curie fellow at GSI-Darmstadt (2002-2004). During this time, he worked on electron cloud, beam instabilities, and developed the HEADTAIL code for simulations of collective effects. In 2005 Giovanni was shortly permanent staff member at CELLS, where he contributed to the design of the ALBA light source by evaluating its impedance budget and related beam effects.
Since 2005 Giovanni has been staff member at CERN, where he works on collective beam dynamics, code development and machine studies at LHC and injectors. After many years as PS-Booster supervisor and Machine Development coordinator for the LHC injector chain, Giovanni is nowadays the deputy project leader of the LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project as well as convener of the Accelerator and Beam Physics Computing Working Group.